We recently got some local press on the Graff show. The Piedmont Post called it "a bit of heaven in Uptown." This show exceeded all my expectations as my first curatorial experience. Thank you Piedmont Post for all the complements.
If your in or around Oakland pick up a copy at your local newsstand.
Press Release Statement: To those who produce it, Graffiti is an art form requiring a high level of skill and talent. To those who only view it, it is a visual mystery that speaks a language they don’t quite know but want to understand. In January, Terminal22 will showcase a range of talent and Graffiti styles on surfaces ranging from miniature trains to large wall installations.
On January 1st, Terminal22 Gallery in Oakland held the Opening reception for the Graff show and it was awsome! Featured artist included:Abys, Adee, Anti, Atlas, Aware, Axis, Bees, BizR, Blame One, Bugs, Chez, Chip, Defie, Destroyer, Dment, Dytch, Esel, Faze, Gena, Haste, Hex, Kasl, Match, Naka, Newa, Nicnak, Obses, Pastime, Quake, Romes, Sorrow, Sibl, Style, Task One, Timber, Tunks, Vows, Werm, Wesk, Zone, and more... This was my first curatorial experience and it exceeded all my expectations. With dedication, a ton of work and help from some good friends it all came together. Below are some photos of both the pre-show paint session and the actual show opening. Cheers!